This blog is about many things,
First I would like to start with a quote from Joseph Smith Jr.
He was talking to a lady who "had been maligned unjustly by gossip."
(and no this is not a quote in favor of gossip, but that's a whole different topic) He said something like this:
Sister, when I have heard a story about me, I sit down and think about it and pray about it, and I ask myself the question, 'Did I say something or was there something about my manner to give some basis for that stroy to start? And, Sister, oftern if I think about it long enough, I realize I have done something to ggive taht basis. And there wells up in me a forgiveness of the person who has told that story, and I resolve that I will never do that thing again.
----Joseph Smith Teachings p. 355-56
random side note.
I was going to buy apple stock, (again)
(appearantly I should have)
Grant Von Harrison.
(I hear he lives in my home town)
Without the companionship of the Holy Ghost, you will fail to realize that sarcasm is inappropriate in your relationship with other(s)... you will be prone to assume that there is nothing wrong with a sarcastic remark if it is made jokingly; you will fail to realize that any form of sarcasm can embarrass or offend. You need to understand that when you offend someone, the spirit of the Lord is automatically offended. Innocence off intent does not justify any form of Sarcasm.
(I wish I had to full quote, and reference, but if you search for him, I think it is pretty clear which book the quote is coming from)
Of course I was going to buy an Apple,
(Appearantly I should have there too)
I hear it's national Ice cream month,
have you celebrated yet? times almsot up.
Ok now that your softened up prepare to be destroyed.
I didn't do it I promise,
but seriously,
I went to and activity,
we'll call it 'WHE'
and well,
this article was shared.
If you feel the need to be humbled,
or the need to laugh at my being humbled here is the link,
but remember,
you were warned.
(oh yeah, and make sure you read the last little bit,
it's kinda like the Miracle of Forgiveness,
you cant just read the first half, you have to endure to the end,
and it get's betterish)
October 1994 Pg. 11 Dalin H. Oaks$fn=document-frame.htm$3.0$q=$x=
Well have a great day Doug
I'm too lazy to go to links these days. Probably because we have dialup, and its too much effort.
YOu should summarize the article for lazy people like me.
That talk on strengths becoming downfalls is one that I want to re-read frequently, just to check myself.
Elder Oaks was blunt and to the point, especially on some of the touchiest subjects. I'm grateful to have some clear counsel in those areas; they are often the most confusing ones.
Thanks for the link!
The quote on sarcasm was very insightful. It also applies well to joking and teasing. Someone once told me that behind every joke there is an element of sincerity.
Even if that isn't always true, the person who is the brunt of the joke will always wonder how much of it was meant in earnest. When it comes to sarcasm and joking comments, some of us just aren't tough-skinned enough to not be injured by negative personal remarks.
It's best to just be nice and say and do uplifting things to the people around us, isn't it? Starting now, I am going to try to be more careful.
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