Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Some People Suffer from insanity... Some people enjoy it

"Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?"
"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat.
"I don't much care where –" said Alice.
"Then it doesn't matter which way you go," said the Cat.

Some people might think that I have no direction.
In fact, I've wondered that myself.
But upon reflection I see that that is not my problem.
I don't suffer from a lack a directions.
I just have too many of them.
And maybe not even too many of them,
but certainly a lot.

It's like I have A.D.D, and maybe I do.
Actually, probably I do.
Did you know I almost flunked the third grade?
I'm not sure that means that I have A.D.D. but there could be a correlation.

Dave Neeleman, has A.D.D. In fact he attributes much off his success to it.
Dave was the founder of a little airline called JetBlue.
Not too shabby. One point for A.D.D.

It's like a power that needs to be harnessed.
And if it is, it becomes even more powerful.

There are just so many things to do.
and so many of them are good.

Speaking of which I should get back to work.



julie said...

Why do people think you have no direction? You own your own business, doesn't that count for something? Maybe your direction just doesn't match what they think your direction should be. In that case, tough luck to them.

I agree, there are a lot of good things to do, interesting paths to try. It's hard to decide what to do, where to go sometimes. Good luck with whatever decisions you have.

Cardine said...

People sometimes think I have no direction, too. In fact, people think a lot of things about other people, and to a certain degree, it's annoying.

Anyway. I totally agree that weaknesses can be made strong. Totally agree.

warnser said...

I guess I'm not sure that people think that, but I think some people do. Also I lot of people think funny things about us "entrepreneurs." And some of them are undoubtedly true,
but I guess In someways I think I'm not exactly like that.

but I totally agree, I think it is hard for us to see visions, and directions, that don't match the ones we've seen.

Thanks for your comments.

I guess It would be hard for me to believe that people would think that about you cardine, I mean sure, in many of those ways we are a like, maybe people just aren't smart enough to see the wisdom of our ways.

I think the core of the problem is that we as people just don't have all the facts, but somehow we think we understand, and usually I think we might not, quite so much.

Lydia said...

I had a funny thought about this post. It was about direction and focus. What would you say the difference is in this context?

You see, I've often been accused (and occasionally convicted) of having too intense a focus. Intense focus is another one of those weaknesses that can be harnessed as strengths, or when seen as strengths they can become a person's downfall. It's actually been both, at different times, for me.

The funny part is that my tendency (intense focus) sounds like the opposite of the ADD-like, multi-directional tendency you described in this post. I'm not sure whether it is or not.

Either way, I think a person can miss opportunities to do a lot of good things if he/she is focused on one set of interests or pursuits to the exclusion of all others. I also think there's value in focusing on some areas intensely enough to cultivate excellence and expertise in them.

It's another of life's tricky balances, isn't it?