Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Really small people with really big hearts

Some of the coolest people I know are really small people.
I and I don't if it is their smallness that makes them cool,
or if it is something else,
but I like little kids.
Little kids are amazing. Granted, they tend to like me,
so maybe I'm biased.
But I really do like them.

I mean who else has so much faith.
Who else believes that their dad can do anything.
and who else wants to be just like them.

Who else has such unconditional love,
and such willingness to accept those around them.

nearly every day on my way to work some
random little kid will make my day.

one kid will wave, one kid says hi,
some kids even still do that lemonade stand thing.

I often think "hey don't talk to strangers."
but I don't say it,
after all it's nice to be talked to.
and they speak with such passion.
They're so full of life, and so ready to share it.
And they make me smile. And I like smiles.
and they do it too, they smile a lot.

Yes I really like all these super short people running around.
and I wish I, like them, had a little more faith,
and a little more hope,

a little more love,
and a little more life.


Anonymous said...

I love their curiosity. I wish I had more of that.

warnser said...

Yeah I like that too.

I was watching a movie with a newborn the other day, and it was fun,
kids are amazing.

I like em a lot.

warnser said...

ok, she wasn't watching the movie,
she was sleeping, but she was still fascinating.

Lydia said...

Good point! One of the things I love about children is that they love people as they are. Most children don't wait for others to "measure up" before they will try to cheer them up or be kind to them. That's a very comfortable way to be--no stress on either side! Ü