Thursday, October 16, 2008

Don't Buy an Apple

No seriously.

Ok not seriously.

I think Apples are great.
Both the computers/gadgets and the fruits.

and I have no problem with people buying them,
Apple's stock is low, so it would seem to be at least a decent time to buy it,
but as always I am not a financial analyst, so don't buy it just because I say to.

As for the computers, well Apple keeps putting out these dang impressive little things. I really do love mine. Especially since I don't love my PC.
It's a stark reality as I cross from one side of my office to the other.
The iMac almost always works,
and the other thing does not, simple really.

But this is about something deeper than that.

As you may already know, we have too many apples.
We have five apple trees, and five friends' apple trees, and
quite honestly we have too many apples,

I really don't think we have room or jars for all the apples that we have,
so if you feel like you could use an apple,
or half a bushel of apples, feel free to stop by for some.
seriously, it's not a very logical time to buy an apple,
because I already have them,
and they are big, and gorgeous, and wonderful.
so there you have it.

Buy an Apple, but don't buy an apple, you know, basically speaking.

P.s. a special apology to those far far away, you can buy an apple if you want to.


warnser said...

oh yeah, and tomatoes, we've got those too.

julie said...

Okay. So when can I come by and get some apples and tomatoes??? Thank you so much for offering to share! I love fresh produce!!!!!

Cardine said...

Hmmm... maybe I'll make an apple pie this weekend!

JanD said...


Roses are red,
violets are blue,
apples are yummy,
and tomatoes are too.

Although I've always thought violets were more purple and I don't know about eating apples and tomatoes together.

So, one of these days, I will wander over and get some apples, so don't worry, you'll get rid of them sometime!


Anonymous said...

I already have an apple. I don't plan to go buy one any time soon.

I would like a pod, though.

As for the fruit, I won't be able to come and get some, but my mom might want to. Let me know if I should send her over, or if you already have enough takers.

Thanks for sharing.

Becca & Jesse said...

Don't make me jealous!! I want both mom's apples and tomatoes. Ever since she brought me some, I long for the deliciousness...sigh...

julie said...

Merci beaucoup pour les pommes que tu m'as donnes! Elles sont merveilleuses!

tearese said...

Ha ha. Too bad for me, living too far away.

warnser said...

vous êtes bienvenu. Je suis heureux vous les aime

Anonymous said...

Je ne sais pas le français. Ma pomme sait le français.

warnser said...

Hey me too.

Emily said...

Apples are wonderful especially since the ones you have are the kind we normally have on our apple tree and for the first time in my entire memory we didn't get one apple off of it which is quite unusual because like your tree, it is a massive prducer. Anyway. I will have to get some one of these days possibly maybe even a tomato or two if they are still up for grabs.

julie said...

Warnser et Sarah, vous ne savez pas francais? Mais vous l'ecrivez tres bien - meilleur que moi parce que je ne connais pas comment faire les accents! Je suis interesse de savoir plus de vos pommes - je ne connais que le PC.

warnser said...

Em - you are welcome anytime,
I think we still have a little.

Julie & Sarah
you know I never would have guessed that we'd be talking in french, but yes the apple does help me in that regard
Julie (or anyone else)
if you want to see how I do it or see anything on my apple, I think that can be arranged.

It is really cool.

julie said...

Thanks, Warnser, I would like to check out your "pomme" sometime. And, it's been fun speaking french with you and Sarah. Who would have guessed???