Friday, March 27, 2009


I love Charlie Rose
Sadly, yes sometimes I have to stay up to watch.
Fortunately sometimes I catch the earlier showing,
and sometimes I catch the other early rebroadcast.

I'm going to write my congressmen, (and everybody else I can)
to say that I support five day postal delivery, if you feel like you would like to do that I think that would be good too. I'm doing it through, but votesmart, or any webpage that ends in dot gov would probably have a way to do it too.

In somewhat better news I picked some stocks back in the fall.
I didn't buy them, but I today I looked at them and I picked really well.
I mean not all of them have done well in this ("worst economy ever")
(In fact two of my longterm favorites have kind of tanked). But if I had invested my money. My return would definitely be decent (at this exact moment in time) Ü.

In contemplating Dating, and looking for jobs, and buying a computer, I notice that my approach is similar, and... I want the Apple. Unfortunately the one that I like doing (buying computers) is the one that I don't really need to do. (I already have the A) Ü

(Apple was a metaphor... not so much in the computer area )

And finally I think it is ironic that I work with videos all day, and with all the videos out there, the videos that I choose to watch, or have playing in the background, are lectures. I really like em.
iTunes, and Academicearth, and anybody who's probably more knowledgeable than me (in whatever they may be doing)


Anonymous said...

Ooh, ooh! Have you watched any lectures from When I saw it last week for the first time I thought of you, that it'd be something you'd be interested in.

When I think of Apple in terms of dating I can't help think of Adam and Eve... but I don't think that's really what you mean. Or is it?

Cardine said...

Yeah, that code is totally lost on me. But at least it sounds like you know what you want. That's good. So I suppose you'll start dating this apple girl or whatever. Hooray for you!

Job Jones said...

I thinks it means he has found the apple of his eye, and its not really what he needs right now?! Am I close?