Monday, March 06, 2006


Yeah, you would think right?
unless of course you know me,
and I'm guessing you do,
so you're probably saying huh?
Well I found my passion,
Actually I refound it,
I was at a concert the other day,
and I started thinking,
Man, I want to write music.
And I do,
but that's not it.
Then I thought,
I want to paint, and draw,
but that's not it either,

Basically I decided that I have a passion for creation.
I love to cook,
(and I think I'm alright)
I love to draw,
I love to write programs,
I love to write.

I love anything that has to do with creation.
In a way I think I even like teaching,
because it is a way to build or help someone else.
And I understand that I'm not the key player in others'
creation, but I still I guess I like being a part of it.

It was good,
I went to a concert,
and the concert was ok,
but I walked away with so much more.

So what will come of it,
I'm not sure yet,
but maybe just maybe,
it will lead to more than a blog or two.

Anyway thanks agian


Cardine said...

Yeah, I love that word, "passion." I've always wanted to have some quality or talent in which I could be described as being "passionate." I can't think of one, though. That's cool that you know your passions.

tearese said...

yay. I like creating things too; I think thats the problem with my art, once I get good at one medium or subject, I get bored and want to do something else.
I think liking to create things will be really helpful in the eternities.

C. Jane Kendrick said...

Perhaps it's a sign you will get married soon???

Anonymous said...

I wish I could find my passion... or at least understand it enough to feed it so it doesn't die.

julie said...

Some of my passions:

Ny nephews and niece

I have always wanted to be good at art. I want to be able to paint pictures, take great photographs, or sculpt something. Maybe after I finish school I'll have time to develop those skills, at least a little.

warnser said...

Tearese, I'm not sure if I would be that way or not, I guess I don't do enough of anything to need to move on.
but I met a guy in greece who said that the secret was to only paint for two hours a day.

Have you tried clay?
I just found it in my last semester at college, and I really liked it.

I was terrible, but I got better.

warnser said...

C jane I don't get it.
What's a sign that I might actually get married?

My mom would be extatic, I think she'd learn how to do cartwheels.

warnser said...

Julie art is fun, you should do it,
and I mean how hard can it be, I've been doing it since I was like five.

warnser said...

Yes the concert was at the institute,

And Refi, you are more than welcome to link to or be linked to from my blog.

In fact there has been a strong underground movement from the other guests to get that link.

So if you want to post it here,
I can add it,
or you can give it to me.
or whatever works best.

tearese said...

I really liked clay. The ceramics teacher at SUU, Susan, actually said I should consider minoring in sculpture, which was a nice compliment because she's very talented. 3-D design was a really fun class, but I'm horrible at traditional ceramics. All the stuff we have that I made in that class is lopsided and too thick. But one of them is myfavorite mug.
Do you remember the clay wall-hanging in my senior show? It was painted to look metalic. That was fun to do.
Maybe I just have a short attention span?

C. Jane Kendrick said...

Warnser -it was supposed to be a proCREATION joke.
Was it bad taste?
I guess you don't have to be married to do that sort of thing. (Not anymore anyway.)
However, you just never know. Your mom might be doing cartwheels in your near future...

Cardine said...

Between reading cjane's blog and the comments on this one, I have come to the conclusion that she definitely misses her husband. That's really sweet.

C. Jane Kendrick said...

Is it that obvious???

warnser said...

ah yes I see the connection,
I guess I always did, sort of.
(I prefer the married version, not that I've tried either but married definately gets my vote)
speaking of voting I just attended my first caucus meeting, I'd blog about it, but I still have a lot of other things to say.